We have had an interesting December. Leighton decided to make his arrival a week early on December 10th! I went into labor on the 7th and like any avid Christmas shopper, we went to the mall to finish up a few errands! Good thing since I was in labor for days! Wed. morning we went into the hospital to be checked out and were sent home with instructions to take a bath and try to relax. So all day Wed and Thurs. I took baths and TRIED to relax (how do you relax when you are in labor I ask?) Well, finally we went back in Thurs. night and I was far enough along to stay. Leighton was born at 3:20 in the morning on Fri! Our best Christmas present this year!

Due to our early Christmas present, we stayed home much of the rest of December! We were so blessed by friends who brought us tons of food and presents for Leighton and Tanner. So we enjoyed visiting people and just being together! It made this Christmas season special because of its simplicity! Yes, part of me missed the parties, the baking, the food, and I especially missed friends and family, but how nice to just have a simple Christmas and be able to really stop and enjoy it!

Now, if we could just all get rid of the Christmas sickness we've all had! We get to enjoy Mimi (my mom) visiting for the next week! At least we're praying her flight makes it without being delayed or canceled! Merry Christmas to all of you! And sorry for the lack of updates! You are all loved and special to our family!