I feel as if we have completely entered a new stage in life, and it’s called FRIENDS! Up until the last month or so, I’ve been number one in my toddler’s life, but that’s all changed with a new little boy moving across the way from us. Now I either can’t seem to keep my little boy home or our somewhat quiet, loud house is now extra noisy with 3 kids and a baby running in, out, and all around (well the baby isn’t quite running yet!) and the screen door banging every 30 seconds.
It’s funny to watch, and also quite a lesson in our depravity! No, you can’t hit your friend, no, you can’t kick him either, give the toy back, you can have that in a minute, let’s practice self-control hands…you get the picture!
Neither boy speaks the other’s language (our friend Amzi speaks both), but they understand each other anyway! The one word, besides, “Yeah,” they use with each other is “Buddy!” How can you help but smile to see these two little boys call out to each other, “Hi Buddy!” The other day, my rambunctious, almost 3 year old, said, “Mommy, I go share my cars with Aji, okay?” Yep! My heart was completely melted.


Three Little Monkeys hanging in a tree!