Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Cement and Computers
Cement floors and Computers do not mix...just in case you're wondering!
It has negative effects on your computer screen for one, you know the kind that looks like a boring white screen, then at random times some bursts of color come through....My poor netbook just didn't deserve this!
So my computer may be saying adios to me! And I may not be able to write frequently until we figure out how to "fix" it (I know I'm not exactly all that frequent on the blog anyway,) so forgive me! Hopefully I'll at least save my hard drive! I'd still love to hear from you!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
What if Mary
Monday, April 23, 2012
I'm Official!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Holy Week
Easter always sneaks up on me. No matter how hard I try to prepare for it or stop and reflect on the enormity of the cross and resurrection, I am always surprised by Easter. Already Easter is tomorrow and yes we’ve created an Easter garden and we’ve done almost all the Easter story through the Resurrection eggs, and we’re planning on Easter dinner. It’s always a struggle for me to find meaningful Easter traditions that really embody the magnitude of this day, this day that should be the theme of every day.
Because how can you celebrate enough, praise enough, grieve over sin enough? I’m plagued by a sense of shame and guilt…Have I considered Christ enough this special, holy season? Have a used every opportunity to teach my children about what I say is the most important part of my life? Why have I not taken more time to meditate, pray and worship the Lamb that was slain for my sins? Why do I allow everything else to eat away at my time to worship my Savior and Hope…you know the cleaning, the meals, internet, TV, rather than being still before the Lord and remembering?
Holy Week here is so different than anything I’ve ever experienced. Life stops on Maundy Thursday (the day commemorating the Last Supper) and Good Friday – no work is done, malls are closed, people are in mourning. Up in the north, more than 20 men were crucified (one even has done this 20 times), dozens of others beat themselves with whips and razors, still more lined up to rub the feet of an idol hoping to be healed. In our city, we watched the processional of floats depicting different aspects of Christ’s last week and a dramatization of the road to Calvary and the cross. Grief is never turned to joy, penance never turned to atonement, the suffering Lord never emerges the triumphant King of kings,. No life. No Celebration. No hope. The darkest day of the year.

And Sunday as we celebrate and humbly give thanks for the Resurrection, the crux of our faith, most will go along with their day as if nothing happened. The mall is open. There is even a Bunny and egg celebration, but no mention of Jesus, of death being swallowed up in Victory, of our salvation secured FOREVER. How can we show them, show them that the cross fulfilled the sacrifice, but the resurrection means our very life? How can we show them?
1 Corinthians 15:17-19
“And if Christ had not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep (DIED) in Christ have perished. If we hoped in Christ in this life ONLY, we are of all men most to be pitied.”
Because how can you celebrate enough, praise enough, grieve over sin enough? I’m plagued by a sense of shame and guilt…Have I considered Christ enough this special, holy season? Have a used every opportunity to teach my children about what I say is the most important part of my life? Why have I not taken more time to meditate, pray and worship the Lamb that was slain for my sins? Why do I allow everything else to eat away at my time to worship my Savior and Hope…you know the cleaning, the meals, internet, TV, rather than being still before the Lord and remembering?
Holy Week here is so different than anything I’ve ever experienced. Life stops on Maundy Thursday (the day commemorating the Last Supper) and Good Friday – no work is done, malls are closed, people are in mourning. Up in the north, more than 20 men were crucified (one even has done this 20 times), dozens of others beat themselves with whips and razors, still more lined up to rub the feet of an idol hoping to be healed. In our city, we watched the processional of floats depicting different aspects of Christ’s last week and a dramatization of the road to Calvary and the cross. Grief is never turned to joy, penance never turned to atonement, the suffering Lord never emerges the triumphant King of kings,. No life. No Celebration. No hope. The darkest day of the year.
And Sunday as we celebrate and humbly give thanks for the Resurrection, the crux of our faith, most will go along with their day as if nothing happened. The mall is open. There is even a Bunny and egg celebration, but no mention of Jesus, of death being swallowed up in Victory, of our salvation secured FOREVER. How can we show them, show them that the cross fulfilled the sacrifice, but the resurrection means our very life? How can we show them?
1 Corinthians 15:17-19
“And if Christ had not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep (DIED) in Christ have perished. If we hoped in Christ in this life ONLY, we are of all men most to be pitied.”
Monday, March 26, 2012
Centipedes, Lizards, and Spiders...OH MY!
I’m a pretty typical girl…I have a healthy fear of crawling things, I mean one of the benefits of being married is having John here to kill all creepy, scary looking things! I don’t care how many times I’m told they are harmless, if they look like could harm me or even have creepy looking characteristics, they have to go!
Did I mention we live in the Philippines where there are a plethora of creepy things and they often live inside your house, because walls and houses aren’t sealed. I think I’ve done pretty well, I mean I’ve come to ignore the butikis (small lizards) that live on just about every wall, I can even appreciate that they help keep the mosquitoes and other little things away. Not to mention, they don’t bother us and we don’t bother them. (I do have reoccurring dreams of one falling into my mouth…thanks a lot movies like The Parent Trap.
One day while John was gone, I got up, took a shower, when there it was…okay, so it was just a little spider. After my initial gasp, I took a deep breath and killed it! I was feeling pretty proud! Then I got out… and there was Goliath, I’m not joking! I clutched my towel closely, quickly grabbed my shoe and threw it. I missed! And there Goliath went, up the wall and disappeared. I quickly shut the door and vowed to not enter until it was gone. (certainly he wouldn’t attempt to escape the bathroom and if I never went in again, we’d be safe). I took a deep breath and walked to the coffee pot to get some coffee.
This is Goliath:

There was one of our little buitiki friends (a baby) that decided to take up residence in our sink, and did NOT want to leave. I didn’t want to drown him so I left him!
“Ants!” came the excited cry of my three year old! So, I rushed over to see! He’s my official ant spotter! Yes, there was a squadron of ants marching through our living room, but that wasn’t the most disgusting part! They were carrying a HUGE centipede off to feast on! (You’d think my son would be more interested in the HUGE centipede!)
HUGE - I tell you!

Again, I took a deep breath and picked up the nasty creature with a napkin and sprayed the ants. I was feeling pretty proud of myself – I had conquered my fears!
Then that night as I was getting ready to bathe my children, Tanner started shrieking and jumped right out of the tub. Goliath had returned and was taking up residence in the bath toys! Tanner refused to get in the tub (You can picture Tanner running around our house in his birthday suit calling for help. And mom, called in reinforcements – I just couldn’t muster up the grit again!
Thank you, Bing for rescuing us!

I’m thankful for reinforcements, and I’m even more thankful John’s back to be our official Spider-slayer (and any other creepy thing)! Did I mention he’s gone for the next 5 days (along with our reinforcements!) Praying for NO creepy things this week!
Did I mention we live in the Philippines where there are a plethora of creepy things and they often live inside your house, because walls and houses aren’t sealed. I think I’ve done pretty well, I mean I’ve come to ignore the butikis (small lizards) that live on just about every wall, I can even appreciate that they help keep the mosquitoes and other little things away. Not to mention, they don’t bother us and we don’t bother them. (I do have reoccurring dreams of one falling into my mouth…thanks a lot movies like The Parent Trap.
One day while John was gone, I got up, took a shower, when there it was…okay, so it was just a little spider. After my initial gasp, I took a deep breath and killed it! I was feeling pretty proud! Then I got out… and there was Goliath, I’m not joking! I clutched my towel closely, quickly grabbed my shoe and threw it. I missed! And there Goliath went, up the wall and disappeared. I quickly shut the door and vowed to not enter until it was gone. (certainly he wouldn’t attempt to escape the bathroom and if I never went in again, we’d be safe). I took a deep breath and walked to the coffee pot to get some coffee.
This is Goliath:

There was one of our little buitiki friends (a baby) that decided to take up residence in our sink, and did NOT want to leave. I didn’t want to drown him so I left him!
“Ants!” came the excited cry of my three year old! So, I rushed over to see! He’s my official ant spotter! Yes, there was a squadron of ants marching through our living room, but that wasn’t the most disgusting part! They were carrying a HUGE centipede off to feast on! (You’d think my son would be more interested in the HUGE centipede!)
HUGE - I tell you!

Again, I took a deep breath and picked up the nasty creature with a napkin and sprayed the ants. I was feeling pretty proud of myself – I had conquered my fears!
Then that night as I was getting ready to bathe my children, Tanner started shrieking and jumped right out of the tub. Goliath had returned and was taking up residence in the bath toys! Tanner refused to get in the tub (You can picture Tanner running around our house in his birthday suit calling for help. And mom, called in reinforcements – I just couldn’t muster up the grit again!
Thank you, Bing for rescuing us!

I’m thankful for reinforcements, and I’m even more thankful John’s back to be our official Spider-slayer (and any other creepy thing)! Did I mention he’s gone for the next 5 days (along with our reinforcements!) Praying for NO creepy things this week!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
A Sweet Reunion!
Ready to go get Daddy!
Wednesday was the day we’ve been waiting for! So all day we prepared for Daddy’s return! We made posters, finished a special scrapbook, made his favorite muffins, and cleaned the house! Then Tanner and I left to go to the airport! He was pumped because we got a special dinner out – McDonald’s! Then it was off to see Daddy! We help up our signs and waved! And we haven’t stopped talking to him since he’s arrived! Even Leighton gets in on the “talking” or babbling in his case!
These last few weeks have been long, because we love having Daddy around, but they have been full of blessing as well! When John left, I thought how am I going to do this every day, all day? The first day, we made a chain to count down the days, and the kids couldn’t even hold it without it dragging on the ground, it was so long! That first day, looking at the links of that chain, I almost cried right there. But, this month has been full of blessings!

My blessing was just being able to be with my boys and enjoy them each day! You know there are days when you struggle to really enjoy your children – you know the days of constant crying, disobedience, and messes. It’s not that my precious guys were any different than they are normally; it was God who gave me a new heart, more patience, in short – more of Him! (And only a few tears on this mama’s part!) We just enjoyed each other and the simple things of life! Each day I collapsed into bed, exhausted, but so thankful and smiling!
And since we presented John with a scrapbook so he could be a part of our life in the last month without him, here’s what we’ve been up to!
Foam Play! And no it does not taste too good!

Bug day!

Wrestling, Spaghetti, and Sundaes!

Many Faces of Fun!

Collapsing each night!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Snow day in the Philippines
In honor of the snow day that our friends in Richmond just had, the kids and I decided to have a snow day of our own! Actually it was more like a snow hour with a little after party after dinner, but hey! We even had two friends join us in our fun...
We threw snowballs...a.k.a cotton balls

We made snow angels

We played a snow game

We ate colored icicles

We made snowmen

Leighton got a beard
And what's better than cuddling in front of the fire, snuggling under a cozy blanket, eating hot chocolate and cookies, and watching a Veggie Tale movie! (with two fans blowing to make us cold enough to stand being under the blankets!)
We threw snowballs...a.k.a cotton balls
We made snow angels
We played a snow game
We ate colored icicles
We made snowmen
Leighton got a beard
And what's better than cuddling in front of the fire, snuggling under a cozy blanket, eating hot chocolate and cookies, and watching a Veggie Tale movie! (with two fans blowing to make us cold enough to stand being under the blankets!)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Great Expectations

“Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.” Eph. 3:20
Are you guilty of not expecting great things from God? I am! Often I not only anticipate or expect great things, I’m afraid to even pray for them because I fear being disappointed if it doesn’t happen or I feel to ashamed of all my failures to even ask. I’m not looking for great things from God and I’m caught of guard and shocked when they happen!
I’m thankful God does great things despite my lack of faith and anticipation to see His glory revealed! Last week, one of our students shared what the Lord had done in her family over her Christmas break. She has been praying all year for her family to know Jesus, and over break, her entire family accepted Christ as Savior! Not only did they accept Christ, but they all wanted Quiet Times and are studying the Bible together. Exceedingly, Abundantly Above all that we ask or think!
As I prayed with her that night, my eyes were wet with tears listening to her fervent prayer that her family would grow in Christ and humble thanks of all that God did. Wet, because quite honestly I never expected it…and why? Why don’t I expect God to do great things? To draw people to Himself in life-changing ways?
“Lord, Help my unbelief!” You are so great, and I praise You for demonstrating Your power and glory despite myself!”
Sunday, January 29, 2012
5 days - Eternal Impact
I gotta be honest; I’m itching to be there this week! Friday, we had almost 70 students and staff left for Manila for Eternity Week! They’re gone 5 days…and they’re sharing Jesus with everyone they meet! They’re going to challenge hundreds with the truth that will change lives forever – Muslims, Catholics, Iglesias de Cristos, Mormons, people who are lost!
I’m there in my spirit! And the kids and I are praying for daddy and the rest of the team! We’re praying for changed lives!
We’re expecting GREAT things to happen this week!! Join us in Prayer!
I’m there in my spirit! And the kids and I are praying for daddy and the rest of the team! We’re praying for changed lives!
We’re expecting GREAT things to happen this week!! Join us in Prayer!

Thursday, January 12, 2012
A Painful Reminder
“When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might.” – 2 Thess. 1:7b-9
How often do we think of the reality of life without Christ? Sure in our nice comfortable lives, we don’t see much judgment or consequence for not believing in Christ. In fact, often we can’t even see too much of a difference between a believer and good non-believer. But the reality of life without Christ needs to on the forefront of our thoughts every day and what pushes us to urgency in sharing the gospel with everyone.
We know the truth…eternal separation from God, something we’ve never experienced because God’s grace, even in spite of our world’s tragedies and sufferings, has always covered us. And eternal suffering in the lake of fire, a horrible, excruciating way to suffer.
Last night, I was hot gluing something and dropped some glue on my hand. It was instant, agonizing pain. Immediately my pointer finger on my left hand and the ring finger of my right hand blistered up. The rest of the evening, I could not take my hand out of a bowl of ice water because the pain was just too unbearable. When the ice melted, I had to have John refill it. I couldn’t even go to sleep without keeping my hand in water.
It was only two fingers, but I lost sleep, it consumed my thoughts, my hands were useless. Only my fingers. What if it were my whole body on flame? There would be no end, no death. There would be no ice water to offer relief. The rich man in begged Lazarus for just a drop of water, just a drop. I had a whole bowl full to submerge myself. Eternity is forever, my pain only lasted hours than was a bad memory.
“In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.” Lk. 16:23-24
And this is why I’m here – to share Jesus, the only hope, to save from the looming, but just judgment that’s coming. How often is my mind on who to share Christ with, who I HAVE to share Christ with? Do I live in the reality of eternity – either life with Christ or life without (dying with never dying).
Thank you Lord for this painful reminder, Put the reality of eternity on my mind with every breath I take. Consume my thoughts with You and making You known rather than thoughts of myself and making myself known. Let me worry not about the next outfit I’ll buy, the next room I’ll decorate, the next show I’ll watch, the next break I’ll get, but with the next person I can share You with.
“I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.” Jn. 10:10
How often do we think of the reality of life without Christ? Sure in our nice comfortable lives, we don’t see much judgment or consequence for not believing in Christ. In fact, often we can’t even see too much of a difference between a believer and good non-believer. But the reality of life without Christ needs to on the forefront of our thoughts every day and what pushes us to urgency in sharing the gospel with everyone.
We know the truth…eternal separation from God, something we’ve never experienced because God’s grace, even in spite of our world’s tragedies and sufferings, has always covered us. And eternal suffering in the lake of fire, a horrible, excruciating way to suffer.
Last night, I was hot gluing something and dropped some glue on my hand. It was instant, agonizing pain. Immediately my pointer finger on my left hand and the ring finger of my right hand blistered up. The rest of the evening, I could not take my hand out of a bowl of ice water because the pain was just too unbearable. When the ice melted, I had to have John refill it. I couldn’t even go to sleep without keeping my hand in water.
It was only two fingers, but I lost sleep, it consumed my thoughts, my hands were useless. Only my fingers. What if it were my whole body on flame? There would be no end, no death. There would be no ice water to offer relief. The rich man in begged Lazarus for just a drop of water, just a drop. I had a whole bowl full to submerge myself. Eternity is forever, my pain only lasted hours than was a bad memory.
“In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.” Lk. 16:23-24
And this is why I’m here – to share Jesus, the only hope, to save from the looming, but just judgment that’s coming. How often is my mind on who to share Christ with, who I HAVE to share Christ with? Do I live in the reality of eternity – either life with Christ or life without (dying with never dying).
Thank you Lord for this painful reminder, Put the reality of eternity on my mind with every breath I take. Consume my thoughts with You and making You known rather than thoughts of myself and making myself known. Let me worry not about the next outfit I’ll buy, the next room I’ll decorate, the next show I’ll watch, the next break I’ll get, but with the next person I can share You with.
“I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.” Jn. 10:10
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
My Winter Wonderland
Christmas is over and I may live in the tropics where we’re freezing at 70 degrees, but I just found a the wonderland of the Philippines: DIVISORIA!
Those of you who love a bargain, love the thrill of the hunt, love crafts and fabrics…this place is amazing!! John gave me the day to go and we went from 5:00 until 9:00 at night on an unofficial girls’ day out (a few of us rode along with the camp staff on their purchasing trip). We had so much fun! And I really enjoyed seeing where Filipinos love to shop, not to mention hanging out with the girls!
This is the place where everything comes, then goes throughout the country, so It’s the wholesale price. If fact, the mini-city within Manila never sleeps. We arrived at 7:00 and the streets are full of trash from all the vendors who have come through the night to get their products. And the shoppers are out starting about then!

We got some beautiful deals! Of course I had to get my favorite little guys something fun (you know you dream of a day off, then you get one and all you can think of is things your kids would like) ! A red cowboy hat for Leighton ;-) and a new Thomas umbrella for Tanner. Seriously, ya’ll he LOVES to use his “Hairbrella” when it rains, which was a pink one he found in our house when we got here. And we sure couldn’t let him take that anywhere!
My best, most exciting deal????? Dinique Happy for $3! Yes. You read it right! Sure it’s imitation, but you try to find the difference! I almost hugged the lady!
Those of you who love a bargain, love the thrill of the hunt, love crafts and fabrics…this place is amazing!! John gave me the day to go and we went from 5:00 until 9:00 at night on an unofficial girls’ day out (a few of us rode along with the camp staff on their purchasing trip). We had so much fun! And I really enjoyed seeing where Filipinos love to shop, not to mention hanging out with the girls!
This is the place where everything comes, then goes throughout the country, so It’s the wholesale price. If fact, the mini-city within Manila never sleeps. We arrived at 7:00 and the streets are full of trash from all the vendors who have come through the night to get their products. And the shoppers are out starting about then!

We got some beautiful deals! Of course I had to get my favorite little guys something fun (you know you dream of a day off, then you get one and all you can think of is things your kids would like) ! A red cowboy hat for Leighton ;-) and a new Thomas umbrella for Tanner. Seriously, ya’ll he LOVES to use his “Hairbrella” when it rains, which was a pink one he found in our house when we got here. And we sure couldn’t let him take that anywhere!
My best, most exciting deal????? Dinique Happy for $3! Yes. You read it right! Sure it’s imitation, but you try to find the difference! I almost hugged the lady!
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