“Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.” Eph. 3:20
Are you guilty of not expecting great things from God? I am! Often I not only anticipate or expect great things, I’m afraid to even pray for them because I fear being disappointed if it doesn’t happen or I feel to ashamed of all my failures to even ask. I’m not looking for great things from God and I’m caught of guard and shocked when they happen!
I’m thankful God does great things despite my lack of faith and anticipation to see His glory revealed! Last week, one of our students shared what the Lord had done in her family over her Christmas break. She has been praying all year for her family to know Jesus, and over break, her entire family accepted Christ as Savior! Not only did they accept Christ, but they all wanted Quiet Times and are studying the Bible together. Exceedingly, Abundantly Above all that we ask or think!
As I prayed with her that night, my eyes were wet with tears listening to her fervent prayer that her family would grow in Christ and humble thanks of all that God did. Wet, because quite honestly I never expected it…and why? Why don’t I expect God to do great things? To draw people to Himself in life-changing ways?
“Lord, Help my unbelief!” You are so great, and I praise You for demonstrating Your power and glory despite myself!”