Did I mention we live in the Philippines where there are a plethora of creepy things and they often live inside your house, because walls and houses aren’t sealed. I think I’ve done pretty well, I mean I’ve come to ignore the butikis (small lizards) that live on just about every wall, I can even appreciate that they help keep the mosquitoes and other little things away. Not to mention, they don’t bother us and we don’t bother them. (I do have reoccurring dreams of one falling into my mouth…thanks a lot movies like The Parent Trap.
One day while John was gone, I got up, took a shower, when there it was…okay, so it was just a little spider. After my initial gasp, I took a deep breath and killed it! I was feeling pretty proud! Then I got out… and there was Goliath, I’m not joking! I clutched my towel closely, quickly grabbed my shoe and threw it. I missed! And there Goliath went, up the wall and disappeared. I quickly shut the door and vowed to not enter until it was gone. (certainly he wouldn’t attempt to escape the bathroom and if I never went in again, we’d be safe). I took a deep breath and walked to the coffee pot to get some coffee.
This is Goliath:

There was one of our little buitiki friends (a baby) that decided to take up residence in our sink, and did NOT want to leave. I didn’t want to drown him so I left him!
“Ants!” came the excited cry of my three year old! So, I rushed over to see! He’s my official ant spotter! Yes, there was a squadron of ants marching through our living room, but that wasn’t the most disgusting part! They were carrying a HUGE centipede off to feast on! (You’d think my son would be more interested in the HUGE centipede!)
HUGE - I tell you!

Again, I took a deep breath and picked up the nasty creature with a napkin and sprayed the ants. I was feeling pretty proud of myself – I had conquered my fears!
Then that night as I was getting ready to bathe my children, Tanner started shrieking and jumped right out of the tub. Goliath had returned and was taking up residence in the bath toys! Tanner refused to get in the tub (You can picture Tanner running around our house in his birthday suit calling for help. And mom, called in reinforcements – I just couldn’t muster up the grit again!
Thank you, Bing for rescuing us!

I’m thankful for reinforcements, and I’m even more thankful John’s back to be our official Spider-slayer (and any other creepy thing)! Did I mention he’s gone for the next 5 days (along with our reinforcements!) Praying for NO creepy things this week!