Yep! After 10 and 1/2 months I can officially DRIVE in the Philippines!!!! (Okay so maybe not quite so much until we actually get a vehicle, but hey it's the first step!!!)
Monday, April 23, 2012
I'm Official!
Yep! After 10 and 1/2 months I can officially DRIVE in the Philippines!!!! (Okay so maybe not quite so much until we actually get a vehicle, but hey it's the first step!!!)
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Holy Week
Easter always sneaks up on me. No matter how hard I try to prepare for it or stop and reflect on the enormity of the cross and resurrection, I am always surprised by Easter. Already Easter is tomorrow and yes we’ve created an Easter garden and we’ve done almost all the Easter story through the Resurrection eggs, and we’re planning on Easter dinner. It’s always a struggle for me to find meaningful Easter traditions that really embody the magnitude of this day, this day that should be the theme of every day.
Because how can you celebrate enough, praise enough, grieve over sin enough? I’m plagued by a sense of shame and guilt…Have I considered Christ enough this special, holy season? Have a used every opportunity to teach my children about what I say is the most important part of my life? Why have I not taken more time to meditate, pray and worship the Lamb that was slain for my sins? Why do I allow everything else to eat away at my time to worship my Savior and Hope…you know the cleaning, the meals, internet, TV, rather than being still before the Lord and remembering?
Holy Week here is so different than anything I’ve ever experienced. Life stops on Maundy Thursday (the day commemorating the Last Supper) and Good Friday – no work is done, malls are closed, people are in mourning. Up in the north, more than 20 men were crucified (one even has done this 20 times), dozens of others beat themselves with whips and razors, still more lined up to rub the feet of an idol hoping to be healed. In our city, we watched the processional of floats depicting different aspects of Christ’s last week and a dramatization of the road to Calvary and the cross. Grief is never turned to joy, penance never turned to atonement, the suffering Lord never emerges the triumphant King of kings,. No life. No Celebration. No hope. The darkest day of the year.

And Sunday as we celebrate and humbly give thanks for the Resurrection, the crux of our faith, most will go along with their day as if nothing happened. The mall is open. There is even a Bunny and egg celebration, but no mention of Jesus, of death being swallowed up in Victory, of our salvation secured FOREVER. How can we show them, show them that the cross fulfilled the sacrifice, but the resurrection means our very life? How can we show them?
1 Corinthians 15:17-19
“And if Christ had not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep (DIED) in Christ have perished. If we hoped in Christ in this life ONLY, we are of all men most to be pitied.”
Because how can you celebrate enough, praise enough, grieve over sin enough? I’m plagued by a sense of shame and guilt…Have I considered Christ enough this special, holy season? Have a used every opportunity to teach my children about what I say is the most important part of my life? Why have I not taken more time to meditate, pray and worship the Lamb that was slain for my sins? Why do I allow everything else to eat away at my time to worship my Savior and Hope…you know the cleaning, the meals, internet, TV, rather than being still before the Lord and remembering?
Holy Week here is so different than anything I’ve ever experienced. Life stops on Maundy Thursday (the day commemorating the Last Supper) and Good Friday – no work is done, malls are closed, people are in mourning. Up in the north, more than 20 men were crucified (one even has done this 20 times), dozens of others beat themselves with whips and razors, still more lined up to rub the feet of an idol hoping to be healed. In our city, we watched the processional of floats depicting different aspects of Christ’s last week and a dramatization of the road to Calvary and the cross. Grief is never turned to joy, penance never turned to atonement, the suffering Lord never emerges the triumphant King of kings,. No life. No Celebration. No hope. The darkest day of the year.
And Sunday as we celebrate and humbly give thanks for the Resurrection, the crux of our faith, most will go along with their day as if nothing happened. The mall is open. There is even a Bunny and egg celebration, but no mention of Jesus, of death being swallowed up in Victory, of our salvation secured FOREVER. How can we show them, show them that the cross fulfilled the sacrifice, but the resurrection means our very life? How can we show them?
1 Corinthians 15:17-19
“And if Christ had not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep (DIED) in Christ have perished. If we hoped in Christ in this life ONLY, we are of all men most to be pitied.”
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