My two anxieties over flying were:
a.) If our luggage was too heavy or awkward shaped - I had visions of having to throw out clothes and other items at the airport in front of a line of angry, impatient people and in front of the loved ones who came to see us off!
b.) Tanner would not cooperate on the flight leaving two exhausted, frazzled parents and several hundred irate passengers.
Thankfully, the Lord was gracious to us on both accounts. All of our luggage was accepted, including our 7 1/2 foot Christmas tree (yes, we were definitely "those" people - but hey we're moving here! And we got an unbeatable deal on it!) And Tanner did considerably well for his first flight. He watched lots of movies (Praise the Lord for Veggie Tales and individual screens on the airbuses packed with cartoons). He cried some, but the plane was so loud, I don't think he bothered many people, and to be honest, I didn't care when the time came! I figured it was a relatively short time in the grand scheme of life, the airplane was really loud, and I would never see these people again!
On a sweet note, when we arrived in Dusseldorf, Germany it was so special to see Tanner and this little boy (I think he was Russian) play together. They played chase, and matchbox cars, and even watched some Veggie Tales together. It's amazing how play can span cultures and languages (not that Tanner has much of a language right now, except his own), but neither one cared!
This is Tanner and his new friend. Sorry about only getting the backside - they moved too fast!

Here's Tanner at the airport, looking awake and happy! It's two in the morning US time!

Hi Shannon, I'm so glad to hear an update, I've been thinking and praying for you lots! I know adjusting and change is so hard, but I pray each week will get easier for you!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to read an update. Thankful for the sustaining mercies of our Lord during your flight! Praying for you all. Glad to see Tanner already has a new little friend! Praying that the Lord will quickly bring you into sweet relationships with other women and young mamas.
Love you girl!
Glad you made it without any problems! Enjoy settling in! The honeymoon stage is the best part! Here is some info on may be helpful!
Hi Shannon, Love the story about the flight over. God is so very gracious and good, praises to Him for your fears relieved! I've adjusted to missing you guys for awhile now but now that your out of the country, miss ya all the more. the kiddos say "Hi" and we're praying for your first month in England to go smoothly and for the Lord to supply all your needs and more! Hugs and Blessings! Paige