November 11th was Tan the Man's 2nd birthday, and I haven't gotten to share the many blessings he received on this side of the pond! As his birthday approached I found myself wrestling with the knowledge that he doesn't really understand birthdays yet and doesn't need a whole lot of hoopla, yet the mom in me wanted his birthday to be special nonetheless!
We were in Scotland, actually leaving the day of his birthday, so in lieu of presents I thought he would just have to wait until we got home, but a friend of ours in Scotland saved the day by giving him two gifts. He was ecstatic about his racing cars and play dough. Then on our way home, friends gave him a "Tommy book" - a Thomas the tank engine book. I'll have you know the child has memorized the train behind every flap. That night we took a huge Costco cake to the kid's club for everyone to enjoy. Tanner loved being sung too, and he LOVES cake! He also got another present there from a dear elderly couple who run the mission.
The gifts just didn't end! At church that Sunday, he received another gift, as well as the following Wed. night! This kid got a birthday week and a half, and we were blessed to see people love on him.
Saturday night we had friends over for Chili and cake! We just couldn't let his birthday go by without a Bob and Larry cake. Tanner loved them! Every day he asks for some "Bob cake." Don't ask us why, but he especially likes Bob and Junior from Veggie Tales! He also loved being the center of attention all evening with all adults (only a few more weeks to enjoy this!)! He's a manipulative little booger - always grabbing someone's hand and asking them to come and walk with him wherever his heart desires!
Oh and he's been thrilled with his new train set! Pictures of that will have to follow!

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