This week, John's been gone to Scotland, so it's been me and the boys alone for a few days! On Monday, we kept our normal schedule and went to toddler group (literally a 5 min. walk with a two year old!), which was a WELCOME distraction after Leighton had screamed all morning! On Tuesday, we had friends over to play. So today, I thought I'd be a good mom and get us out for some fun!
I always hear that SAHM need to get out of the house to be motivated and how kids need to get outside, and I'm a fan, although you wouldn't know it these past 6 weeks or so. It is quite a feat to take the two out on my own especially without a double stroller. But today was the day! It's been so nice all week, I thought a trip to the park would be great...so off we went!
Well, the nice weather was gone today...it was FREEZING and very windy! Tanner started the toddler whine/cry after only minutes. He lasted about 10 min. on the playground. But I was prepared...bring on the Winter Gardens. The Winter Gardens are right at the end of the park, and it is warm, there are huge fish to see, and a place to sit! So off we went again, to find out it was CLOSED! Randomly, it was closed for staff training (how much training does one need to sit at the info desk
I wonder?)
But, I was nonplussed...there is a grocery store/cafe right across the street. I figured we could get warm and have drink and check out the store while we were there. So we walked, actually I was walking, Tanner was being dragged sobbing to the store. And we found...It was closed too for restocking! Seriously! It was 10:45 on a Wed. morning - what in the world?
I resorted to dragging a screaming toddler to the mall, where we sat down and ate a very expensive cookie and hot chocolate, checked out the toy store, and visited the grocery store for some treats to welcome home daddy!
This is why I'm thinking life as a hermit for the next few years may be better suited :) At least the hot chocolate was delicious!
Awww, so sorry for your freezing cold, everything-is-closed day! Some days are just liek that! I completely understand the hermit mentality. I am a home-body at heart and would never leave the house if I didn't have to!